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 RANT - Kamala Can’t Win On Policy Or Performance, So The Media Will Make This Campaign A Race War - "Kamala Harris loses any debate on policy or performance, so the media will avoid it by fabricating racism from here to Election Day."

 RANT - Secret Service Corruption and Incompetence is No Secret - "Consorting with criminals, ignoring White House shooters, and failing to stop an attempted assassination."


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 RANT - The Left Misrepresents Stats To Deceptively Claim Illegals Are 'Less Likely To Commit Crimes' - "The media and Democrat officials continue to parrot the claim that illegals commit violent crimes at a lower rate than native-born Americans."

 RANT - LGBT Activists Oppose Making Child Sex Trafficking a Felony - "California's SB 1414 is a pretty simple bill, yet it has generated a lot of controversy.

Bottom line? It changes soliciting a minor to have sex (prostitution of a minor) from a misdemeanor to a felony. Hard to see how that could be controversial, right? 

Except in California, that is, where many Democrats and the alphabet crowd are worried that it will impact minorities and especially the Queer community disproportionately."


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